Sunday, March 21, 2010

Snowflake Ball Pictures!

                                                    ALL IMAGES ©ANNA PASCHAL

Hello Everyone! Here are just a FEW of the many pictures taken last night from the Snowflake Ball.  Please come back to see all the pictures which will be on a different website early in the week. It seems like the night was an success! The ball was beautiful, and everyone did such an amazing job.  In the photos above, you will see a few of the decorations, candid shots, and entrance photos from the beginning of the night.  Everyone who wanted to, got the chance to take a picture with their date once they came into the Grand Room. I really enjoyed doing this, and everyone looked great. My good friend Emma Blaylock is pictured above with her date! You can also see Miss USA, who was there for most of the night.
       Like I said before, I loved doing this. After initially talking to Leslie, who is the director of the Free Clinic, to volunteer to be the photographer for the night, we were able to start planning some of what needed to be done.  Before the actual Ball, I visited the Free Clinic two different times to take pictures for the slide show that would play at the Ball that night.  I went during patient office hours to do candid shots of the many volunteers who take part in helping, but also the many individuals who depend on this service.  You never realize how vital a service like this is until you see the impact it makes on the community. I was lucky to get the chance to give back, and enjoyed being a part of such a wonderful organization.

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